Poetry corner - On the winter solstice (ENG)


On the winter solstice 

On the winter solstice

two messiahs were born

-one of the Earth,

-one of sinners painly torn.

Doves and crows were singing

their ancient song -

the silent Hallelujah,

the melody of mourn.

One to Mary Saint,

the other to The Bird of night.

As above, so below,

both in the sign of Light.

The Dragon and The Lamb -

Blessed by fire,

Blessed by fate,

The Holy and The Maleficent.

As one of them

took the human way,

the other one shall wait -

grow up to his rise,

to win,

to roll the cosmic dice.

On the winter solstice

the Sun was coming home

after lawless winter

to save the souls of all. 

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