Poetry corner - Ten years of insomnia (ENG)


Ten years of insomnia

It's midnight.

I'm sitting alone in a dark room.

I wait for help.

Where can I get it?

I cry out into the darkness,

tears streaming down my face -

deadly pale land

immersed in a purple mist.

Your words sound like fists to me,

Like endless sentences:

"Get rid of me!" I have heard.

This is what you wanted, isn't it?

My heart pounded with pain

Cold as a pole before.

Is this what you wanted?

Fire and blood in one

They didn't make it easy for you

To meet your deserved end.

But now the spirit cries mad -

Not for thee, not by any chance!

Guess how many years have passed...

...it doesn't matter.

They still look at me unjustly -

They - the whole World.

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