Môžu obsahovať: LGBTQ, náboženské témy, týranie, násilie, psychické poruchy, chronické ochorenia a iné citlivé témy.
May include: LGBTQ, religious themes, abuse, violence, mental disorders, chronic illness, and other sensitive topics.

Feeling of pink
Príbeh o chlapcovi z cirkusu, ktorý sa pre tragickú vraždu rodičov ocitne v starostlivosti svojho bratranca Axela. Vyrovnávajúc sa s traumou a stratou sa prispôsobuje novým životným podmienkam, spoznáva svojich rovesníkov a s nimi objavuje nezmyselný svet dospelých. Taktiež sa v ňom prebudí vášeň pre výrobu cukroviniek, podporená jeho synestetickými zážitkami a rodinnou tradíciou.
The story of a circus boy who finds himself in care of his cousin Axel due to the tragic murder of his parents. Recovering from the trauma and loss, he settles into his new life, getting to know his peers and discovering the nonsensical adult world with them. It also awakens in him a passion for candy making, supported by his synesthetic experiences and family tradition.
(Genre not specified) (draft)

Midnight Hunt
Atreus Finch zabíja, aby prežil. No od svojich obetí získava nielen životnú silu, ale aj ich spomienky - často pozmenené a nabité emóciami. Jedného dňa Atreus zabije osobu horšiu od neho samotného, a kým sa jeho život obracia do nebývalej zákruty, jeho činy si vyberajú svoju daň ako na jeho zdravotnom stave, tak i v súkromnom živote.
Atreus Finch kills to survive. But from his victims he not only gains life force, but also their memories - often altered and charged with emotions. One day Atreus kills a person worse than himself, and as his life takes an unearthly turn, his actions take their toll on both his health and his private life.
(Horror/fantasy/mystery) (draft)

Lux Aeterna
Lucifer, padlý archanjel, utiekol do Ríma, aby sa stal poradcom vtedajšieho prvého caesara Octaviana Augusta. Pod maskou sebavedomého a trúfalého zástupcu senátora sa však skrýva zlomená duša bažiaca po uznaní a úteku pred kráľovskými povinnosťami. Lucifer sa počas svojho pobytu v Ríme čoskoro stretne s Áronom, gladiátorom s neobyčajnými schopnosťami a tajomnou minulosťou. Okamžite si padnú do oka a spolu budú čeliť nástrahám nadpozemských intríg, nesmrteľnosti a premeny storočí.
Lucifer, a fallen archangel, fled to Rome to become an advisor to the then first Caesar Octavianus Augustus. Beneath the mask of a confident and bold senatorial representative, however, lies a broken soul yearning for recognition and escape from his royal duties. During his stay in Rome, Lucifer soon meets Aaron, a gladiator with extraordinary abilities and a mysterious past. They instantly fall for each other and together they face the pitfalls of unearthly intrigue, immortality and the transformation of centuries.
(Horror/fantasy/romance) (draft)

Každý z nás ich pozná inak. Prízraky. Duchovia. Démoni či doppelgänger. Nie každý v nich verí a nie každý má tú česť stať sa súčasťou ich sveta. Čo by ste robili, keby sa to stalo práve vám? Uverili by ste? Alebo by ste sa na všetko snažili rýchlo zabudnúť a považovali by ste to len za zlý sen? Palindrom sleduje životy dvoch rôznych ľudí, stredoškoláka Rogera a detektíva Patricka Halla, ktorí majú spoločného viac, ako by si dokázali predstaviť.
Each of us knows them differently. Phantoms. Ghosts. Demons or doppelgängers. Not everyone believes in them, and not everyone has the privilege of becoming part of their world. What would you do if it happened to you? Would you believe? Or would you try to forget everything quickly and consider it just a bad dream? Palindrome follows the lives of two different people, a high school student, Roger, and a crime investigator, Patrick Hall, who have more in common than they could have imagined.
(Crime/mystery/psychologiical/fantasy) (text unaviable)